1 person under supervision
2 person
особа, індивід, людина; особистість; фізична особа; юридична особаperson about to commit an offence — = person about to commit an offense особа, яка має намір вчинити злочин
person about to commit an offense — = person about to commit an offence
person employed on collective agreement basis — особа, прийнята на роботою за колективною угодою
person having committed an offence — = person having committed an offense особа, яка вчинила злочин
person having committed an offense — = person having committed an offence
person irresponsible for his acts — = person irresponsible for her acts особа, яка не відповідає за свої дії
person irresponsible for her acts — = person irresponsible for his acts
person on conditional discharge — особа, умовно звільнена від кримінальної відповідальності; умовно звільнений (субст.)
person receiving an individual pension — = person receiving an merit pension, person receiving an special pension персональний пенсіонер
person receiving an merit pension — = person receiving an individual pension
person receiving an special pension — = person receiving an individual pension
person responsible for his acts — = person responsible for her acts особа, відповідальна за свої дії
person responsible for her acts — = person responsible for his acts
person seeking the refugee status — особа, яка домагається статусу біженця
person serving a sentence in the form of confinement — = person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment особа, яка відбуває покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі
person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment — = person serving a sentence in the form of confinement
person subject to immigration control — особа, яка підлягає імміграційному контролю
person suffered to be at large on his parole — особа, якій дозволено під чесне слово перебувати на волі ( в порядку умовно-дострокового звільнення)
person susceptible to treatment — особа, яка піддається лікуванню (виправному впливу)
person suspected of criminal activity — особа, яка підозрюється у злочинній діяльності
person who has exhibited her full powers — = person who has exhibited his full powers особа, яка пред'явила свої повноваження
person who has exhibited his full powers — = person who has exhibited her full powers
- person addicted to drugperson with criminal tendencies — особа, схильна до вчинення злочинів
- person addicted to drugs
- person affected
- person aided and abetted
- person already imprisoned
- person assaulted
- person being of high risk
- person engaged in a crime
- person entitled
- person for trial
- person held to labor
- person held to service
- person in authority
- person in custody
- person in dispute
- person in distress
- person in law
- person in possession
- person in power
- person in question
- person liable to actions
- person of defective intellect
- person of foreign birth
- person of foreign descent
- person of incidence
- person of law
- person of no fixed abode
- person of shady reputation
- person of sound mind
- person of unsound mind
- person of weak mind
- person on probation
- person on relief
- person on remand
- person on trial
- person on trial for a crime
- person pending trial
- person presenting a candidate
- person proceeded against
- person representing power
- person set in authority
- person threatened
- person under arrest
- person under investigation
- person under sentence
- person under sentence of death
- person under supervision
- person with a criminal past
- person with a criminal record
- person's dwelling place
См. также в других словарях:
supervision order — noun English Law a court order placing a child or young person under the supervision of a local authority or a probation officer in a case of delinquency or where care proceedings are appropriate … English new terms dictionary
Person In Need of Supervision — Person in need of supervision, or PINS is a term frequently used by social services agencies in the United States to describe a juvenile who is not currently in the household of a parent or legal guardian, or is currently not under their control… … Wikipedia
supervision order — noun A court order placing a child or young person who is the subject of care proceedings under the supervision of a named probation officer or social worker • • • Main Entry: ↑supervise * * * supervision order UK US noun [countable] [singular… … Useful english dictionary
person — per·son n 1: natural person 2: the body of a human being; also: the body and clothing of a human being had drugs on his person 3: one (as a human being or corporation) that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties see also … Law dictionary
Person in need of supervision — Persons in need of supervision (PINS) is a term frequently used by social services agencies in the United States to describe a juvenile who is not currently in the household of a parent or legal guardian, or is currently not under their control… … Wikipedia
under — /un deuhr/, prep. 1. beneath and covered by: under a table; under a tree. 2. below the surface of: under water; under the skin. 3. at a point or position lower or further down than: He was hit just under his eye. 4. in the position or state of… … Universalium
Norwegian Board of Health Supervision — The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision (Norwegian: Statens helsetilsyn, short name Helsetilsynet) is a national government institution under the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. The name was altered from Norwegian Board of… … Wikipedia
LEGAL PERSON — LEGAL PERSON, a body of men or of property which the law, in imitation of the personality of human beings, treats artificially as subject of rights and duties independent of its component parts. The classic example of a legal person is the … … Encyclopedia of Judaism
List of Six Feet Under characters — The following are a list of descriptions for characters on the HBO television series Six Feet Under, which aired from 2001–2005 for five seasons. Contents 1 Major characters 1.1 Nate Fisher 1.2 David Fisher … Wikipedia
History of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty — The history of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali Pasha dynasty was a period of rapid reform and modernization that led to Egypt becoming one of the most developed states outside of Europe. It also led to massive government expenditures, that ended up… … Wikipedia
The Good Person of Szechwan — (German: Der gute Mensch von Sezuan, first translated less literally as The Good Woman of Szechwan)[1] is a play written by the German theatre practitioner Bertolt Brecht, in collaboration with Margarete Steffin and Ruth Berlau.[2] The play was… … Wikipedia